The Technical pathway focuses on the broad range of technical skills you need to work within film and TV. Technical is all about learning the essentials of how to use industry-standard cameras, set up lights and capture sound for film and TV. Your projects will explore these skills and help you develop this knowledge.
In the Technical pathway you will learn key camera, lighting and sound knowledge, learn how to set up camera support equipment and lights, think about electrical safety and creative outcomes to set the tone of a scene. You will also learn how to record sound, use different microphones and ways to edit sound to help tell your story. If you love the idea of bringing a script to life through camera, lighting or sound, this is the pathway for you!
Year One
In the first year, students keep a broad focus, starting with developing basic skills across the many areas of a Technical department. Each week you will do two hours of Camera, two hours of Lighting, two hours of Sound and two hours of Editing - totalling 8 hours Technical learning. In addition, you will have two hours of storytelling and one hour dedicated to developing your portfolio, alongside the four hours dedicated to Production + Development.
Students will study the following subjects in the first year:
Production + Development
Careers + Portfolio Development
Year Two
After you have developed your broad skill set in the first year, you will specialise in a specific area in your second year. You will take an in depth dive into the knowledge, skills and professional behaviours required in employment or higher education. Students will spend 10 hours a week developing their chosen specialism and will continue with the weekly four hours of Production + Development and spend one hour a week dedicated to their Careers + Portfolio Development.
You will spend 10 hours a week developing you skills in your chosen areas. The choices are either:
Camera + Sound
10 hours a week in Camera + Sound
4 hours a week in Production + Development
1 hour a week in Careers + Portfolio Development
Camera + Lighting
10 hours a week in Camera + Lighting
4 hours a week in Production + Development
1 hour a week in Careers + Portfolio Development
Entry level jobs in Technical include: Camera Trainee, Lighting Trainee, Grip Trainee, Video Assistant Trainee.
You can read all about other jobs in the industry here.
*students on the Technical pathway will not have to pay for any equipment as it will be provided by the school as and when needed.